Trust me, I'm a Trustmark
Background Development Before Trustmarks India’s e-commerce sector is showing exponential growth; revenue from this sector is increasing...
Sanah Javed
Apr 6, 2019
Content Regulation of ‘On Demand Video Streaming Platforms’: An Unanswered Question
Introduction E-Commerce in India is in its nascent stage yet has rapidly diversified and grown its roots in every individual’s life. This...
Pradyumna Yadav & Anushka Agarwal
Apr 4, 2019
Draft E-Commerce Policy, 2018 : Anti-Competitive Effects of the E-Commerce Market
Introduction Due to the increase in the number of players in the e-tail market, there has been a tremendous upsurge in demands being...
Sakshi Agarwal
Apr 3, 2019
FDI Policy in E-Commerce
E-Commerce in India From , the very first e-commerce venture, to the latest announcement by RIL, several attempts have been...
Vedant Kashyap & Siddharth Kothari
Apr 2, 2019
Dichotomy between Forest Dwellers and Conservationists: Analysis of the Forest Rights Act, 2006
The Supreme Court passed an Order [i] on 13th February, 2019 (hereinafter, “the Order”) requiring the eviction of forest dwellers whose...
Aditya Vyas & Stuti Srivastava
Mar 12, 2019
Data Protection in Boilerplate Clauses
Introduction In a contract, there are often some clauses that are common and standardised, called the ‘boilerplate’ clauses. Typically,...
Bhumesh Verma
Feb 17, 2019
Personal Data Protection Bill, 2018: Is it a Right to be Forgotten if it's just being Archived?
The Personal Data Protection Bill, 2018 was framed as per the directions of the Supreme Court in Puttuswasmy [i] case, amidst rising...
Sanjeev Jothi
Feb 10, 2019
Privacy v. Posner – In the Age of Big Data Analytics
“Google knows you more than your mom” ; a phrase that lingered long after it was first heard. The rise of the internet in the past decade...
Buddhi Nishita Gauri
Feb 8, 2019
Data Localisation: Is it a Solution to Privacy Concerns?
Introduction: The epiphany that “data is the new oil” hassled to the emergence of data protection laws across the world, creating a...
Madhura Bhandarkar
Feb 6, 2019
Data Privacy 101: Sensitive Personal Data, Big Data and its Tumultuous Relationship with GDPR
Data protection is defined as the legal protection offered to a person, referred to as a ‘data subject’ with special emphasis on...
Aishwarya S. Iyer & Manisha Nanda
Feb 4, 2019
The Snooping Order: An Orwellian Measure or a Reminiscence of our Surveillance Regime?
In the wake of heightened attention being garnered by issues involving the privacy and personal liberty of individuals, the Central...
Shrey Nautiyal & Aditya Vyas
Jan 22, 2019
Citizenship Amendment Bill 2019: From Jus Soli to Jus Sanguinis
Concept of Citizenship According to Aristotle “ The State is a compound made of citizens; and this compels us to consider who should...
Prateek Virk
Jan 17, 2019